Kiddie Camp is a half-day program from 9:00 am-1:00 pm for children entering pre-k and kindergarten. We also offer an afternoon extension for campers to stay a full day (4pm), available on a daily basis. Kiddie Campers enjoy two activity choices per day, playground time, daily swimming lessons, morning snack, lunch in our dining hall, as well as group time. The Kiddie Camp program concentrates on developing both motor skills as well as social skills in a warm, nurturing atmosphere where campers are encouraged to make friends and try new activities in a safe environment. All kiddie campers must be fully toilet-trained prior to the start of camp. Kiddie camper’s schedule will be similar to the day camp, but with a 1pm pick up.
CA's Day Camp is a full-day program, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with weekly sign-ups for rising first graders through sixth graders. Day Campers will always have the opportunity to choose which activities they participate in every day depending on their interest. See sample schedule. Camper’s are grouped according to the grade they are entering and will enjoy four to five activity choices per day, daily swimming lessons and a free swim, morning snack, lunch in our dining hall, as well as group time. The Day Camp program allows campers to try new activities, step outside of their comfort zone, discover their passions, and make new friends in a warm, safe, and relaxed environment.
For teenagers entering seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, CA offers a series of two-week Adventure-based sessions and one week Community Service sessions. Teens spend some time on the CA campus engaging in a variety of team-building activities, but they primarily travel off campus each day. Daily adventures vary by session, see schedule below, and each two-week session includes a three-day, two-night overnight experience in Western MA or Maine.
All of the off-site trips will take Concord Academy mini-vans and/or mini-buses, and will be chaperoned by our Teen Adventure staff, many of whom have worked with Teen Adventure Camp for the past several summers and are all 21+ and CPR and First Aid Certified.
CIT Level 1
Our C.I.T. program was designed for our older campers interested in working with children and becoming counselors. This three-week program will help our future leaders learn different styles of working with children, problem solving, leading groups, teaching styles, and positive reinforcement. The sessions will include community building projects, “classroom” style learning, special event planning, as well as hands-on work with groups of various ages. Participants will complete First Aid and CPR certification training and will have an opportunity to practice for future job interviews. Each C.I.T. will be evaluated several times throughout the session and will receive verbal and written feedback to help them improve their skills. All registered C.I.T.s will receive an additional information packet from the C.I.T. Director prior to camp.
CIT Level 2: Junior Counselor
Each summer we are able to offer a couple of CIT graduates positions on staff. This new program was designed to help those that we cannot offer a position to by providing additional training, support, and experience. The CIT Level 2 curriculum will go even further exploring leadership qualities, assistance applying for college and future jobs, and one-on-one mentoring from the CIT Director. Participants will also be able to choose up to three additional weeks of camp to volunteer as a Junior Counselor. Throughout their volunteer weeks they will continue to receive verbal and written feedback weekly as well as a formal evaluation from the CIT Director. Each participant will also receive a written recommendation completed by the CIT Director (or other camp administrator) to use in future summers when applying for a position on the camp staff.