来自马来西亚,她住在 Lowel street 上,是个很开朗,愉快的理发师。她曾在纽约唐人街salon做过。很多朋友很喜欢她,价格便宜,发型也不错。有个朋友试过很多家,最后发现只有Cuiyun才能理出适合她的发型。就一心一意跟着她了。她的电话是 781-249-3801, 要预约的。
Ginny Yan:
Ginny 是个Professional 发型师。 只要告诉你,她曾在Newberry street 的老外 salon 里做过几年,你就可以想象她有多专业。经常在她那里遇到她的顾客,已经追随她十几年了。更有很多人从acton, Newton 来找她。我是通过远在宾州的表妹认识她的,表妹住在麻州时,就找她,这么多年了,只要来麻州,她还会去找她。她的电话是781-861-1694
Debbie 的指压穴位按摩是有顺序的,她会告诉你,她在帮助你清肝,清肾,脾,。 头两次治疗时,挺痛的,那是因为你的肝,肾,脾。。都有毒素,不畅通。她会那种站在你的背上用脚踩按摩(她会因人而异的)。我很喜欢那种用力,深度按摩的感觉。她的很多顾客人非常喜欢她,在Yelp的评论中,居然8个人给她的评论都是5星。结果被yelp 封了6个(但还是可以看见的)。最Amazing的评价是 John G 写的:
Debbie is an exception massage therapist and truly a healer. She is trained in many modes of massage and is also very informed on diet, exercise and all the issues related to wellness.
I own a chain of day spas and employee 30+ massage staff and yet I go to Debbie for my massage needs. Why? I have had hundreds of massages in my professional and personal life and Debbie's work is in the top 5 I have experienced.
She can do any modality you desire but I suggest you just let her put her hands on your body and find out what is wrong and start to fix it. Of course, you can ask for and get a truly relaxing massage but frankly our bodies are in need of real massage work and Debbie is among the best I have met in finding out what is wrong and helping her clients work out a plan to get better. http://www.yelp.com/biz/debbies-body-work-therapy-massage-framingham