Education Corner Weekly: Applying for Independent Schools
As many students prepare to take the ISEE this fall, some will also be gearing up for the long process of completing the Independent School application process.
If you are looking to apply for any independent school in the Boston region (i.e. Roxbury Latin, Milton Academy, Bucking Browne and Nichols, Noble and Greenough, etc.), there are a number of steps to the process that you should plan for. Please see some helpful reminders below:
1. Check the school’s admissions website for application details- This website will contain detailed information on the application requirements and deadlines. See an example here:
2. Attend an Open House- Many schools will be hosting an Open House this fall. It is a great opportunity for you to visit the campus and learn more about the school.
3. Schedule an interview- This is a crucial component of the independent school application process. This is the school’s opportunity to get to know students and for families to ask any questions they might have about the school. Aim to schedule your interviews this fall.
4. Begin filling out the application(s)- This can be a time consuming process. Not only do you have to fill in logistical information, but both students and families are also required to submit written short and/or long essay responses to a number of questions. This is another crucial part of the application process, and one that you do not want to postpone until the winter!
5. Make sure you are registered for the right test- Most independent schools require the ISEE, but some may require the SSAT. Visit the school’s website to determine which test is required to gain admission.
6. Complete financial aid- An independent school education is an investment. The good news is that most schools can provide financial assistance if you complete the financial aid application. Depending on the school, you should complete either the PFS or FACTS financial aid application. Information on which financial aid application is accepted can be found on the school’s website.
At A+, we are here to help in whatever way we can! If you would like your student to receive independent support in interview training and completing excellent independent school applications, please do not hesitate to reach out to us regarding our private tutoring services.
這個秋季,很多學生正在忙碌地準備ISEE的考試。然而,對於要申請私立學校的學生來說,他們還面對著除了考試外的其他復雜步驟,這將是一個漫長的過程。如果您的孩子要申請波士頓地區的私立學校(如Roxbury Latin, Milton Academy, Bucking Browne 和Nichols, Noble and Greenough等),這個秋季,您和孩子將要完成申請中的一連串步驟。請閱讀全文了解您需要完成的私校申請步驟。