Summary: Summary: Laurelrose is a fun craft camp for children ages 4-8 run by Ella Shubert, and Emily Ma from Clarke Middle School. It costs $85 per child, and runs July 20-24 from 10:00-3:00. Ella Shubert ran Laurelrose successfully last year in her old neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. Ella also babysits and has taken the red cross babysitting class. Emily Ma is also a seventh grader at Clarke. She loves kids, and also enjoys arts and crafts. They are both experienced and will try their best to make each day as fun and safe as possible. In Laurelrose we will be doing many fun crafts and activities such as playing with bubble worms, making our own bouncy balls, and on the last day, even our own ice cream!
When Ella was in 1st grade. she went to a summer camp run by 12 year old girl. It was her favorite summer camp! Now she is in her 2nd year of running her own camp!